Sunday, September 11, 2011

What a month/ little release from the past.

When everything seems like it is going ok it seems to change, I mean I was starting school again, have a great man, everything seemed perfect. Well that did not last long, the car I was driving decided it wanted to break down, go figure right only owned it for 3 years and it decided to kick the bucket. Well since then I havent been able to do to much. I did start school, had to drop my chemistry class due to also taking Biology, Algebra, and Psychology. Couldnt keep up with all of them, but for me to get to school I have to borrow my mothers car or my fathers pickup. It sucks though, I junked my car and got 425 from it. ok not to bad I guess. However you would think with me being 24 years old I would beable to choose the car I want. Found a great car, but of course my father and brother have to chime in..."oh that is going to be cold in the winter, you dont need a convertible." Yes I live in Iowa, yes it snows, that is what the car manufactorers made heaters for right? So that your car isnt cold during the winter? So go from there, find a few more cars, of course my father doesnt like any of them. It is my own money I honestly dont understand why I cant spend it the way I want, it is comming from my student loans that I am going to have to pay back. Yesterday I found the ugliest car but my father was ok with it, it was $900, not to bad already have $560 mom would loan me the rest until Thursday. Well you would think ok good she got a car, well you would be thinking wrong, I wasnt allowed to take my fathers truck to go look at the car by myself. My parents were out camping with my niece, so my father told me to have my brother go with me. Well of course he would rather sleep then help his little sister out in finding a car so I can regain some of my independance. I dont know if they just dont want me to be independant or what.....I mean the reason I am going back to school is to make my parents happy. Nursing, I get sick at the sight of blood. I mean not to be gross but even my own period makes me sick. However, I am going to school to become an RN. Due to the 2 year waitlist though I also am getting my Accounting degree while waiting. Ok not to bad I guess 2 degrees and both will possible bring in a decent income in the future. However I honestly would rather do nails, but of course because my mother went to cosmetology school that is a bad choice now that she has been working at Wal Mart for the past 15 years. So that was thrown out before I could even try. I was angry the other day at all of the drama going on in my life I posted on FB about it and friends asked me about my school situation, and I told them the truth. Well of course both my parents read my post and informed me yesterday that they didnt stop me from going to become a nail tech. I am honestly just lost and I have no clue what to do. I dont want to offend anyone by saying this but I have to get all of this out or I will probably snap. I love my family I do but I can only handle so much. I am tired of being told that I'm the glue that holds everything together if i were to leave then my brother would take over everything. I am tired of worrying about if I leave what is going to happen. I moved out once back in Dec 2007, it lasted until August of 2008 when I ended up moving back home because the man that I was supposed to be getting married to broke my heart and stomped on it. To top all of this stuff off, my fiance and I want to start a family and I am having issues with that. Life just sucks. Sometimes I truly wish I was never born, but I know I was put here for a purpose and I will do my best to figure out what that purpose is. For a while I had the ambition to go back to school to become a Family Practice Attorney, to help fathers and mothers fighting for custody of their children. I mean I have been through a custody battle before with a great friend of mine, and he won. So I guess to sum all of this up I am honestly lost and dont know what to do or where to go from here. I am a student with no car and a unknown future. I am 24 years old and not like anyone in my family. I sometimes think I am in the wrong decade. Who knows I guess we will have to see where things go from here.

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