Monday, September 12, 2011

a better day

Alright so today i actually woke up with my alarm clock, didnt expect that due to didnt go to bed until late, working on a diaperbag design for a good friend :), but classes were long and i have no clue why but i have been exhausted all day, i about fell asleep in a few of my classes and i dont believe it is because i didnt get much sleep because i am used to not sleeping much. fingers crossed that the clomid this month did its job and that my being tired is due to me being pregnant:) we will hope. However, with the help of a friend i have been thinking about starting a business to help pay for things during college, which would be wonderful because we all know how expensive college is getting, and i have another few years left to go :( i figure i will be doing summer classes to help get it done quicker. With that i will get school done maybe a year to a year and a half early but im not completely sure. I know that I am going to be saving my money just incase i dont get financial aid during the summer, which i dont believe i will. However, I am getting my first student loan payment on friday, well it will be released thursday at 4pm. so maybe thursday night, but who knows, I have the cutest idea in my head for my friend Hope's diaperbag and i hope she really loves it, I mean im sure she will because i cant get the picture out of my mind, lol idk if i will want to give it to her lol, but i will. but i thought i would get everything that happend today written down, so if anyone actually reads this they know what is going on in my life :)

Thanks for reading.

My quote of the day.

Live as you want, not as someone else wants you to.

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