Saturday, September 17, 2011

car issues

Alright so yesterday, well officially Thursday night, my dad took me to go look at a car a grand am -  and it was a POS. So i have now decided that i am not going to buy a car until February :D going to keep driving moms car until i get my next student loan refund and then i am going to spend all of it on a car. I am saving back the 2100 i have in the bank and then the 560 my parents have of my money so right there is 2660 and then i should get about 4300 back depending on how much i need to buy for next semester, so all together i should have about 6960 which i figure i can find a decent car for about 4000 hopefully. but the most i am going to spend is 4500 on a car and go from there. :D fingers crossed that i can actually save the money from this student loan until next time, i mean i want to spend the money that is a givin it is burning a freaking hole in my pocket. my card keeps saying spend me spend me spend me lol lets pray that i can save it, the other issue is, since i did get positive OPK's for the past two days i may end up pregnant this month which would be a blessing :D and if that happens then i may have to spend the money on things i need for the baby so who knows where this is going to go. I may end up not getting a car for quite a while, and i mean its not like i mind driving their cars because lets admit, on my own i would not be driving a 2011 suv lol. I filled up the tank on my moms CR-V the other day and it took 45 dollars. Not bad if you ask me. I had planned on filling up the tank on my parents pick up but they both found out and wont allow me to drive it now :( i wanted to do someething nice for them and they dont want that. I honestly dont understand my family sometimes. However, i am still in the mood that i dont really care and i am going to do what i have to do to get where i need to be. So planning on doing HPT on 09/28 and if neg doing it again on 10/02 if that is negitive also then i will do my 3rd round of clomid this time 150mg and pray that i ovulate, because with the way things are going i am going to end up being due right at the beginning of school if i am not careful and i do not want to go to school for a week or two then have to miss time because i had a baby. that is why i want a may, june or july baby. ok well that is my rant for the day. I hope everyone that reads my blog is enjoying my blog. :D

Thought for the day.
Once you get something you have wanted dont forget how it felt to work so hard to achieve it. Also dont throw it in other peoples faces, you most likely didnt like it when you were working for your dream so dont do it to others working toward their dreams.

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