Thursday, September 15, 2011


Ok, so 4am right? lol well it is while im writing this, I am studying my psychology, not making much noise at all, then all of the sudden my mom calls and leaves me a message saying that i need to be asleep so i can get up on time and go to school, then that if my Dh is going to stay up all night then he needs to get a job. Seriously wtf? you call at 4a of course im going to be awake because you called. even if i werent already up studying i would wake up due to the phone call, HELLO CELL PHONE RING TONE ANNOYING!!!!! Made it that way so i can use it as an alarm clock and actually wake up for classes. Alarm set 6:45am wake up usually first go round of it no issues. Seriously though, who in their right freaking mind calls someone at 4a if they are awake or not it is just common curtesy not to call people past a certian hour......atleast that is with my mom always told why the F*** is she the one calling me at 4? lol this makes no sense to me but i thought i would vent this out instead of bottling it up, due to in psychology i am learning all the damage stress can do to someone and i honestly dont want that to happen to me. Granted i do already have the hypertension, and a slight depression, but hypertension runs in my family....i was bound to be cursed with it, why not im cursed with everything else my family has. My father mainly. He has stenosis, i was diagnosed in March 2009 with stenosis. He has kidney stones regularly, this past July, i had a 15mm kidney stone that coulda killed me if i wouldnt have got fed up with the pain. had to endure like a month and a half more pain due to the stint that they put in but that was better than the kidney stone its self stuck in the tube between my kidney and bladder. Both parents however have hypertension. my brother is lucky doesnt have hypertension, or stenosis, or kidney stones, and honestly i dont wish any of it upon him. No matter how much of a douche bag he can be. Oh and i believe miscarriages are genetic also, due to the fact that my grandmother had a miscarriage, my mother had a miscarriage, and in January i had a miscarriage. who knows, however, i do know that PCOS (poly-cystic ovarian syndrome) is genetic, if a family member has it there is a good possiblility you will have it. I am almost positive my mother has it but it is hard to diagnose, most women only get diagnosed when they are having issues getting pregnant. I think that is funny because i was diagnosed at the age of 15 when all i wanted to do is have fun and be a kid. But no December 26, 2002 had my left ovary and left fallopian tube removed due to an ovarian mass that weighted in at 6.5lbs, and was the size of a basketball. I would have never found out about it if it werent leaning on my left kidney which is already smaller than it is supposed to be. the pain from it was so bad that i would go to school in the morning and by 2nd or 3rd period i would be in tears and have to go home.  I honestly dont wish this on my worst enemy. same with the IF i wouldnt wish it upon anyone. It is the most stressful thing to go through, and stress isnt good for you when you are having IF issues and trying to conceive. Im not sure what I was thinking when i decided to get a doctors help while being a full-time college student and not working but, i dont want to wait until im older and not have a chance at all to have a baby. The way i look at it seize the moment, Live your life to the fullest, and even as a child i have wanted to be a mom, I have helped friends raise their kids and i would like to beable to raise my own child for it. My niece, Chloe, she is my pride and joy, she has a piece of shit for a mother that doesnt even know the size of shoes her child wears, same with clothes, they are either way to big or way way to small. Granted for her age she is HUGE, and i dont mean puggie, she is Tall as shit, she seriously looks to be like 7-8 years old and she is 5 its funny sometimes. I feel that some people should have to get a lisense to have children, like my nieces mother, 3 children, 3 different fathers, 5 or 6 different pregnancies (the extra 2 or 3 ended in abortion), and she does it for the state assistance and the child support. It seems like she sneezes and she is pregnant, she was pregnant twice by my brother alone, but only delivered one child because she decided she wanted to have an abortion. Which I am against, not 100% but 95% of the time i am against it, i feel there are certian times that you should beable to get one but then there are the times when you are dumb and didnt use protection or birth control of any sort and you get prengnant than you should be mature enough to take care of it. Sex is an adult thing, not for children, but if children decide they want to do adult things then they should be adult enough to take care of the child when it is born! Sorry my soapbox, i dont understand how people do the things they do sometimes, and honestly if you cant take care of the baby then give it up for adoption there are many people in the united states that want children that cannot have children that would be willing to adopt a baby from someone and give it the best live they can. Ok i am going to end this post before i really piss some people off :D

Thought of the day:
Do you before you can do anyone else. Once you are happy then you can think about others more.

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